Engineering Subject Centre

Higher Education Academy
Subject Centres

Business, Management, Accountancy and Finance
Dance, Drama and Music
Economics Network
Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Health Sciences and Practice
History, Classics and Archaeology
Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism
Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies
Legal Education
Materials Education
Maths, Stats & OR
Sociology, Anthropology, Politics
Physical Sciences Centre

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The Engineering Subject Centre (EngSC) is one of 24 subject centres within the Higher Education Academy. The Academy encourages, supports and enables teaching excellence in the United Kingdom higher education community. This is achieved through development of research and evaluation both for the higher education (HE) community as a whole and through the discipline-specific expertise of the subject centres. The stated aim of the Academy is: "to improve the learning experience for students".

The Engineering Subject Centre is based in the Faculty of Engineering at Loughborough University. It draws upon the expertise of engineering academics and educationalists from across the higher education sector, and works closely with the engineering professional bodies.



The centre was originally created as part of the Learning and Teaching Support Network (LTSN), founded in Jan. 2000. The Higher Education Academy was founded in May 2004, from a merger of the Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (ILTHE), the LTSN, and the TQEF National Co-ordination Team (NCT). As a part of the Higher Education Academy, the subject centre is funded by grants from four higher education funding bodies in the UK (Higher Education Funding Council for England, Scottish Funding Council, Higher Education Funding Council for Wales, and Department for Employment and Learning), subscriptions from higher education institutions, and grant/contract income for organised initiatives.

Work areas

Engineering Subject Centre Mini-Projects

Projects are awarded up to £3500 over 12 months to complete small scale research or development projects within their own


The Centre maintains a comprehensive list of both national and international events. The centre also holds a number of events every year covering a diverse range of subjects relating to the practice of the working engineering academic. Although for a UK audience many subjects covered are related to worldwide practice.

Engineering Education: Journal of the Higher Education Academy Engineering Subject Centre

Engineering Education is a peer-reviewed, international journal and is freely available via the website of the Engineering Subject Centre and distributed in paper format to all UK university libraries and Engineering departments. Engineering Education is published in the summer and winter each year. The journal supports papers in the traditional format and those incorporating or demonstrating multimedia and web technology.

Educational resources

The Engineering Subject Centre's Resource Database has direct online links to around 1500 approved engineering-specific and general learning and teaching resources, such as guides, reports, case studies and organisational websites, in addition to the Centre's own range of publications.


External links